Curiosities of the English Language

Curiosities of the English Language
This is a blog for people who love the English language and love learning new vocab. I will periodically post words, expressions, idioms etc. that I find curious, interesting or funny .

Be welcome to ...
- suggest new vocab to be posted;
- comment on the posts;
- suggest explanations and exemplifications;
- make corrections.



I chose this animal to be the symbol of this blog and the first contribution because it is, in my opinion, the oddest animal ever. It is a mammal that lays eggs and has a beak and fins which are similar to a duck's. Curious, isn't it? It is also my favorite animal.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


/'medl/ v
to deliberately become involved in a situation that does not concern you, or that you do not understand: [+in/with]

I wish youwouldn't meddle in my affairs.

2 to touch something carelessly in a way that might break it: [+with]

The children are always meddling with the ornaments.


Longman dictionary

1 comment:

Anita Floyder said...


I'd say that to understand what "Meddle" means, you helped me twice. Both with your language's passion.
Sometimes,good music.
Sometimes, good classes.
Thank you teacher!

You are wonderful!