Curiosities of the English Language

Curiosities of the English Language
This is a blog for people who love the English language and love learning new vocab. I will periodically post words, expressions, idioms etc. that I find curious, interesting or funny .

Be welcome to ...
- suggest new vocab to be posted;
- comment on the posts;
- suggest explanations and exemplifications;
- make corrections.



I chose this animal to be the symbol of this blog and the first contribution because it is, in my opinion, the oddest animal ever. It is a mammal that lays eggs and has a beak and fins which are similar to a duck's. Curious, isn't it? It is also my favorite animal.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I chose this animal to be the symbol of this blog and the first contribution because it is, in my opinion, the oddest animal ever. It is a mammal that lays eggs and has a beak and fins which are similar to a duck's. Curious, isn't it? It is also my favorite animal.

Did you know how to say "ornitorrinco" in English?


Ana d'Almeida said...

Hi Leo!

I really liked your blog. Cool, interesting topic which goes a long way!

I too love learning new words and expressions and will add one that I have just learned this morning from our boss: the pink slip.

If you are handed the pink slip, it means your contract has been terminated.

I had a look at Wikipedia, and it dates back to 1915. 'In the UK the equivalent of the pink slip is a P45.'

There are also other meanings.. See for yourself!

Well done to you!


Leonardo Dalbosco said...

Thank you very much, Ana! Your contribution will immediately be posted!